Sunday, May 26, 2013
Foam Rolling and Dynamic Warmup
1) Standing Hurdle Jumps 3×1
2) Sumo DL 5/3/1 – 170 lb, 190 lb, 210 lb, 220 lb
3) Paused SSB Back Squats 2×5 – 105 lb, 115 lb
4a) GHR 3×10
4b) 1/2 Kneeling KB Chops 2×12
5a) SL RDL/Rufus DL 2×8
5b) Rolling Triceps 3×10
6) Incline Treadmill Walking x10 min
Monday, May 27, 2013
Dynamic Warmup
Airdyne Sprints
Turkish Getups
Cooldown and Breathing
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Dynamic Warmup
Heavy Sled Pulls
Heavy Prowler Pushes
Wall Press Abs 2×8
Biceps Curls 2×10
Cooldown and Breathing
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Foam Rolling and Dynamic Warmup
1) Overhead Med Ball Throws 3×5
2) Bench Press 5/3/1 – 90 lb, 100 lb, 110 lb, 115 lb, 120 lb
110 lb and 115 lb went up super easy, but I lost my tightness on the left side on 120 lb which was disappointing. Next program I will start waiting on the press command. Afterall, you gotta practice like you play!
3a) Chest Supported Row 4×6
3b) Pushups AMAP from the floor – 6, 6, 6, 6
4a) Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge 2×8
4b) KB Overheads with Leg Lowering 2×12
5) Heavy KB Swings 6×10 – 24 K
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Dynamic Warmup
KB/Powerblock Circuit
Turkish Getups
Cooldown and Breathing
Friday, May 31, 2013
Foam Rolling and Dynamic Warmup
1) Back Squat 5/3/1 – 135 lb, 150 lb, 165 lb, 170 lb
Not thrilled with this round of 5/3/1 squatting. I am not transferring my core tightness through the entire squat at all so I am not using my big leg muscles as well as I should be. Going to try driving my knees out harder and making my squat less hip dominant this next go-round to see if that helps.
2a) Barbell RDLs 3×6
2b) DB Bench Press 4×6 – 35 lb, 37.5 lb, 40 lb x2
3a) Front Foot Elevated Single-leg Hip Thrust 3×10
3b) 3 Pt. DB Row 2×10
4) Bodysaw 2×10
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Off Day
Man! These 4 week programs fly by! Monday will start a new program for me already!