Sunday, March 31, 2013
So, the plan was to get up this afternoon and do some sprints on the Airdyne before showering and heading back to work… but the almost 60o temps and sunshine totally made me rethink that plan. So, the husband and I took a walk outside instead and then got in some quality vitamin D time (my excuse for just sitting outside doing nothing) J soaking up the sun on the deck. C’mon, Spring!!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Foam Rolling and Dynamic Warmup
1) Standing Hurdle Jumps 3×3 – 28 in, 32 in, 34 in!, and 36 in x2!!!
I can check one of my goals off the list. I jumped over the 36 in hurdle twice today! Unfortunately, I was on the turf side by myself so my cameraman wasn’t there to film it, and as they say, pics or it didn’t happen. I can assure you it did though, and I will be sure to get video proof next time. Looks like IFAST might have to be investing in some higher hurdles soon! J
2) Conventional Deadlifts 4×1 – 165 lb, 180 lb, 195 lb, 205 lb, 215 lb
Heavy deads went well today. The video is of the 205 lb pull, and I get it locked out but dropped it pretty quick because my grip was giving out on me. My grip is definitely a major limiting factor in how much I can pull. I tried for 215 using a mixed grip, and I was able to break the floor. However, I could tell that my form wasn’t going to be 100% from the way my lower back felt so I just let it go. I think I probably could have tried to force it up round-back style, but that ain’t me. I really had no reason to grind it out and risk hurting myself. So, I will take the 205 lb conventional DL PR and get 215 some other time.
3a) SSB Reverse Lunge 3×6
3b) ½ Kneeling Palloff Press
4a) 2 KB Single-leg RDL
4b) Face Pulls
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Dynamic Warmup
Heavy Sled Pulls
Heavy Prowler Pushes
Cooldown and Breathing
Shoutout to my girl, Molly Galbraith who surprised us at IFAST this morning. Always
good to see your smiling face!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Foam Rolling and Dynamic Warmup
1) Overhead Med Ball Throws
2) Floor Press 3×3 – 90 lb x3
3) Single-arm DB Bench 3×6 – 30 lb, 35 lb x2
4a) Chest Supported Row 3×8 – 20 lb, 22.5 lb x2
4b) Supine Trunk Rotation 3×12
5a) Single-leg Squat to a Box 3×8
5b) KB Pullover with Leg Lowering 2×12
6) KB Swings – 10 on the minute x7
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Foam Rolling and Dynamic Warmup
1) Heidens
2) SSB Back Squat 7×2 – 115 lb x5, 135 lb, 155 lb
Went for some semi-heavy back squats for the first time since my meet in December, and they felt pretty good. I know it isn’t exactly the same with the SSB, and I could feel myself come forward on the way up on the second rep of my last set. I was happy nonetheless – I <3 squats.
3) Conventional Deadlifts 2×5 – 115 lb, 135 lb
4a) Pushups 3×5
4b) Seated Cable Row 3×8
5a) Swiss Ball Rollouts 2×12
5b) EZ Bar Curls 3×8
Friday, April 5, 2013
My dad turned 64 today so I met my family in Bloomington for a little par 3 golf. Growing up, we lived right off the 5th fairway of the Green Acres Golf Course in Paoli, which is now the Paoli Country Club. I literally grew up on a golf course.
My brother, Alex, is actually now a full-fledged member of the PGA and teaches golf at the French Lick Resort courses in southern Indiana. My dad is a pretty decent golfer himself, and my mom can definitely hit the ball. I didn’t get the golfing genetics that my brother did nor have I spent the same amount of time “deep practicing” (The Talent Code, anyone?) that he has, but being the jack-of-all-trades that I am, I can keep up. We all had an amazing morning together shooting a round in the gorgeous sunshine!
For those of you that don’t know, my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease five years ago, and for the last five years, my mom, brother, and I along with our extended family and friends have watched my brilliant, confident father succumb to the heart-breaking reality of cognitive decline. Everyday that I can spend with him, having fun, and doing something he still loves to do I will take even if that means missing a conditioning workout or two at home. Walking nine holes of golf and soaking up the vitamin D was good enough of a workout for today.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Today was my regularly scheduled “off day”, and I had so much fun golfing yesterday that I thought it would be fun for Zach and I to go hit some balls. Did you know that Zach is an extremely talented golfer? We spent about an hour or so at the driving range and hope to get out there some more in the coming months.
Zach and I made our first Craigslist purchase today, too! Sooooo excited about our Powerblock dumbbells!!
Tomorrow starts a new training program! I will share my goal with this program next week;)